Kaqchikel Maya Hearts

Kaqchikel Maya Hearts Throughout history, the heart has long captivated attention. From heartbreak to heart attacks, there is a range of conditions deriving from the heart, encompassing a wide array of physiological and emotional states. Turning our attention to language, the heart is often used in emotional health expressions. However, moving beyond Western contexts, the…

Preventing Language Death in the Guatemalan Highlands

“Richin man nkäm ta qach’ab’äl: So that our language doesn’t die” What does it mean to say that a language is dead? Or that a language is dying? According to linguist David Crystal, “to say that a language is dead is like saying that a person is dead. It could be no other way—for languages…

Ri k’ak’a tzij: Kaqchikel Maya Neologisms in Response to COVID-19

Tiffany D. Creegan Miller, PhD // Though Guatemala is a relatively small country in northern Central America, it boasts of a robust multilingual and multicultural diversity. In addition to Spanish (the official language), Guatemala is also the home to 22 Maya languages, and two other Indigenous languages: Garífuna and Xinca. Within this ethnolinguistic landscape, Kaqchikel…